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Thursday, 12 January 2012

In video editing pros and cons...

In video editing is when you film the shots you want but you don't do any editing to them so if you want to tell a story then you will have to shoot everything in sequence of how the story goes, an example of this would be most films shot in the early 1900's which didn't have any editing and where all shot on one camera so all the filming and different shots had to be done on location and if something messed up then they would have to do it again.


  • Not much editing involved
  • All work can be shown asa filming is done
  • Just one camera was enough, no need to carry lots of equipment 
  • Cost less


  • If some thing goes wrong then you would have to start again
  • Very limited to how much or what angels you can film a event
  • Whats filmed cant be changed 
  • Not much variety because there wont be many effects 
  • If you lose/damage the film you would have to film again
So over all I think in video editing has its uses but can be limiting to what you can do.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Intro to Editing (16.1.1)

Editing: The Invisible Art

• How can editing build tension and pace?:By using music and many different shots getting faster towards the end of the scene mainly using both music and cutting and can be very effective and changing the frequency throughout the scene.

• What is crosscutting?:Cutting from 1 person to another to compare there progress and then show the audience to show a reaction shot these can be made up of different shots from XCU to LS.

• What are reaction shots?:Reaction shots are shots used to show the reaction of a audience/spectators of a event in which the character is doing someone e.g. he's racing up a hill and nearly falls and then cuts to show the audience's reaction.

• What is seamless editing? Its when the audience is caught up in the action that they don't notice the editing and shot cutting and automatically fill in the gaps because the audience is used to the situation. 

• What is a jump cut?:When its jumps from one part of the scene to another part but staying to the same scene but cutting out sections at a time which can how a great effect when its used properly e.g. when the person is talking and you can jump to a shot of them thinking then jump to a shot of them answering.

• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?:A flash back is when the person is reminded of something in the past that had happened and the scene will cut to the flash back to show that memory or event, it can be used to achieve a back story to a person or situation which will help the audience get a better understanding of whats going on e.g. in Sweeny Todd it starts off by Sweeny in London and he starts telling the story of why he hates London and as he is doing so it shows flash backs which help the audience get a better understanding of what happened before and why he feels the way he does. 

• How can editing be used poetically?:It makes the audience think which makes it a active viewing which makes the audience try to work out the relationship between the things shown or situation.

Intro to Editing (16.1.1)

The Gloaming
• What is editing?:The process of selecting shots and putting them together to create a story.
• What is Elliptical editing?:Tells us what has happened with out showing every bit of then video and allows us to fill in the gaps so it helps the video to move on quickly.
• Why are long shots used?:To show the location/surroundings to the audience.
• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?:Its sound/music that isn't there and is played under the natural sound that we the audience can hear it but the character can't.
• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?):They use Elliptical editing to shorten the sequence of her picking up the ring and still makes senesce to the audience and allows it to be shot in different shots e.g. close up of face then shows a close up of her hand picking up the ring then back to her face looking at it.

• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?:It sets out the scene and the character places around the room.
• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?:Its cutting back and fourth to show characters appears to be talking to each other and making eye contact.
• What is Eye-line matching?:Its when there are two people talking to each other and when the camera is on them there eyes will appear to be looking at the other person e.g. Person one is standing and person 2 is sitting so person 1 will look down and off camera and person 2 will look up and off camera, so it looks like they are making eye contact while they talk.
• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?:To see what there reactions to each other and how they react to the leader telling them the plan and to show there faces.
• What is a wipe?:Its a transition its used to move from one location to the other quickly.
• What is the effect of using quick cuts?:It creates a fast rhythm and keep the audience on there toes.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

teh script....

Starts out and shows bag being droped on the table infront of me. The bag is opend and closed and opend and then then person runs away. Then I starts to dance then then Piere catches the virus. LK then walks into the room and is hit by the virus. Then LK starts to dance as well and his friend see's him and comes towards him. He starts to dance too and from a distans Danny starts to move his shoulder. Iman see's him doing so and slaps him and souts at him "NO!!!". Fin